Verb Tenses

(South Wales versions care of
(present - perfect - imperfective - future - conditional - past)

Yr Amser Presennol / The Present Verb



Dw i'n talu

I pay/ am paying

Dw i ddim yn talu

I don't pay/ am not paying

Rwyt ti'n talu

You pay/ are paying

Dwyt ti ddim yn talu

You don't pay/ are not paying

Mae e'n/ hi'n talu

He/ she pays/ is paying

Dyw e/ hi ddim yn talu

He/she doesn't pay/ is not paying

Dyn ni'n talu

We pay/ are paying

Dyn ni ddim yn talu

We don't pay/ are not paying

Dych chi'n talu

You pay/ are paying

Dych chi ddim yn talu

You don't pay/ are not paying

Maen nhw'n talu

They pay/ are paying

Dyn nhw ddim yn talu

They don't pay/ are not paying


Positive Answer

Negative Answer

Dw i'n talu? / Ydw i'n talu?

Do I pay/ Am I paying?


Yes I do/ am

Nac ydw

No I don't/ am not

Wyt ti'n talu?

Do you pay? / Am I paying?


Yes you do/ are

Nac wyt

No, you don't/ are not

Ydy e'n/ hi'n talu

He/ she pays/ is paying


Yes he/she does/is

Nac ydy

No, he/she doesn't/isn't

Dyn ni'n talu? / Ydyn ni'n talu?

Do we pay/ Are we paying?


Yes we do/ are

Nac ydyn

No we don't / aren't

Dych chi'n talu? / Ydych chi'n talu?

Do you pay? / are you paying?


Yes you do / are

Nac ydych

No, you don't / are not

Dyn nhw'n talu? / Ydyn nhw'n talu?

Do they pay? / are they paying?


Yes they do/ are

Nac ydyn

No they don't / aren't

Yr Amser Perffaith / The Perfect Tense



Dw i wedi talu

I have paid

Dw i ddim wedi talu

I haven't paid

Rwyt ti wedi talu

You have paid

Dwyt ti ddim wedi talu

You haven't paid

Mae e/ hi wedi talu

He/ she has paid

Dyw e/ hi ddim wedi talu

He/she hasn't paid

Dyn ni wedi talu

We have paid

Dyn ni ddim wedi talu

We haven't paid

Dych chi wedi talu

You have paid

Dych chi ddim wedi talu

You haven't paid

Maen nhw wedi talu

They have paid

Dyn nhw ddim wedi talu

They haven't paid


Positive Answer

Negative Answer

Dw i'n talu?

Do I pay/ Am I paying?


Yes I do/ am

Nac ydw

No I don't/ am not

Wyt ti'n talu?

Do you pay? / Am I paying?


Yes you do/ are

Nac wyt

No, you don't/ are not

Ydy e'n/ hi'n talu

He/ she pays/ is paying


Yes he/she does/is

Nac ydy

No, he/she doesn't/isn't

Dyn ni'n talu? / Ydyn ni'n talu?

Do we pay/ Are we paying?


Yes we do/ are

Nac ydyn

No we don't / aren't

Dych chi'n talu? / Ydych chi'n talu?

Do you pay? / are you paying?


Yes you do / are

Nac ydych

No, you don't / are not

Dyn nhw'n talu? / Ydyn nhw'n talu?

Do they pay? / are they paying?


Yes they do/ are

Nac ydyn

No they don't / aren't

Yr Amser Amherffaith / The Imperfect Tense



Ro'n i'n talu

I was paying/ used to pay

Do'n i ddim yn talu

I wasn't paying/ didn't use to pay

Ro't ti'n talu

You were paying/ used to pay

Do't ti ddim yn talu

You weren't paying/ didn't use to pay

Roedd e'n/ hi'n talu

He/ she was paying/ used to pay

Doedd e/ hi ddim yn talu

He/she wasn't paying/ didn't use to pay

Ro'n ni'n talu

We were paying/ used to pay

Do'n ni ddim yn talu

We weren't paying/ didn't use to pay

Ro'ch chi wedi talu

You were paying/ used to pay

Do'ch chi ddim talu

You weren't paying/ didn't use to pay

Ro'n nhw'n talu

They were paying/ used to pay

Do'n nhw ddim yn talu

They weren't paying/ didn't use to pay


Positive Answer

Negative Answer

O'n i'n talu?

Was I paying/ Did I use to pay?


Yes I was/ did

Nac o'n

No I wasn't/ did not

O't ti'n talu?

Were you paying/ Did you use to pay?


Yes you were/ did

Nac o't

No, you weren't/ didn't

Oedd e'n/ hi'n talu

Was he/ she paying. Did he/ she use to pay


Yes he/she was/ did

Nac oedd

No, he/she wasn't/didn't

O'n ni'n talu?

Were we paying/ Did we use to pay?


Yes we were/ did

Nac o'n

No we weren't / didn't

O'ch chi'n talu?

Were you paying? / Did you use to pay?


Yes you were / did

Nac o'ch

No, you weren't / didn't

O'n nhw'n talu?

Were they paying? / Did they use to pay?


Yes they were/ did

Nac o'n

No they weren't / didn't

Yr Amser Dyfodol / The Future Tense



Bydda i'n talu

I will be paying

Fydda i ddim yn talu

I will not be paying

Byddi di'n talu

You will be paying

Fyddi di ddim yn talu

You will not be paying

Bydd e'n/ hi'n talu

He/ she will be paying

Fydd e/ hi ddim yn talu

He/she will not be paying

Byddwn ni'n talu

We will be paying

Fyddwn ni ddim yn talu

We will not be paying

Byddwch chi'n talu

You will be paying

Fyddwch chi ddim yn talu

You will not be paying

Byddan nhw'n talu

They will be paying

Fyddan nhw ddim yn talu

They will not be paying


Positive Answer

Negative Answer

Fydda i'n talu?

Will I be paying?


Yes I will be

Na fydda

No I won't be

Fyddi di'n talu?

Will you be paying?


Yes you will be

Na fyddi

No you won't be

Fydd e'n/ hi'n talu

Will he/ she be paying?


Yes he/ she will be

Na bydd

No he/ she won't be

Fyddwn ni'n talu?

Will we be paying?


Yes we will be

Na fyddwn

No we won't be

Fyddwch chi'n talu?

Will you be paying?


Yes you will be

Na fyddwch

No you won't be

Fyddan nhw'n talu?

Will they be paying?


Yes they will be

Na fyddan

No they won't be

Yr Amser Dyfodol (Cryno)/ The Future Tense (Short)



Tala i

I will pay

Thala i ddim

I won't pay

Tali di

You will pay

Thali di ddim

You won't pay

Taliff e/hi

He/ she will pay

Thaliff e/hi ddim

He/she won't pay

Talwn ni

We will pay

Thalwn ni ddim

We won't pay

Talwch chi

You will pay

Thalwch chi ddim

You won't pay

Talan nhw

They will pay

Thalan nhw ddim

They won't pay


Positive Answer

Negative Answer

Dala i?

Will I pay?


Yes I will

Na wnaf

No I won't

Dali di?

Will you pay?


Yes you will

Na wnei

No you won't

Dalidd di?

Will he/ she pay?


Yes he/ she will

Na wnaiff

No he/ she won't

Dalwn ni?

Will we pay?


Yes we will

Na wnawn

No we won't

Dalwch chi?

Will you be paying?


Yes you will

Na wnewch

No you won't

Dalan nhw?

Will they pay?


Yes they will

Na wnân

No they won't

Mae pedair berf afreolaidd gyffredin/ There are four common irregular verbs





A i

I'll go

Do i

I'll come

Ca i

I'll have

Gwna i

I'll do

Ei di Doi di Cei di Gwnei di
Aiff e/hi Daw e/hi Caiff e/hi Gwnaiff e/hi
Awn ni Down ni Cawn ni Gwnawn ni
Ewch chi Dewch chi Cewch di Gwnewch chi
Ân nhw Dôn nhw Cân nhw Gwnân nhw

Yr Amodol / The Conditional





Baswn i'n talu

I would pay

Faswn i ddim yn talu

I wouldn't pay

Faswn i'n talu?

Would I pay?

Baswn/ Na Faswn

Yes I would/ No I wouldn't

Baset ti'n talu

You would pay

Faset ti ddim yn talu

You wouldn't pay

Faset ti'n talu?

Would you pay?

Baset/ Na Faset

Yes you would/ No you wouldn't

Basai fe'n/ hi'n talu

He/ she would pay

Fasai fe/ hi ddim yn talu

He/ she wouldn't pay

Fasai fe'n/ hi'n talu?

Would he pay?

Basai/ Na Fasai

Yes he/ she would/ No he/ she wouldn't

Basen ni'n talu

We would pay

Fasen ni ddim yn talu

We wouldn't pay

Fasen ni'n talu?

Would we pay?

Basen/ Na Fasen

Yes we would/ No we wouldn't

Basech chi'n talu

You would pay

Fasech chi ddim yn talu

You wouldn't pay

Fasech chi'n talu?

Would you pay?

Basech/ Na Fasech

Yes you would/ No you wouldn't

Basen nhw'n talu

They would pay

Fasen nhw ddim yn talu

They wouldn't pay

Fasen nhw'n talu?

Would they pay?

Basen/ Na Fasen

Yes they would/ No they wouldn't

Mae pedair berf afreolaidd gyffredin/ There are four common irregular verbs (Conditional/ Amodol)





Elwn i / awn

I would go

Delwn i / down

I would come

Celwn i / cawn

I would have

Nelwn i / nawn

I would do

Elet ti / aet Delet ti / doet (same pattern as mynd) (same pattern as mynd)
Elai e/hi / âi Delai fe/hi / dôi " "
Elen ni / aen Delen ni / doen " "
Elech chi / aech Delech chi / doech " "
Elen nhw / aen Delen nhw / doen " "

Yr Amser Gorffennol / The Past Tense



Talais i

I paid

Thalais i ddim

I didn't pay

Talaist ti

You paid

Thalaist ti ddim

You didn't pay

Talodd e/hi

He/ she paid

Thalodd e/hi ddim

He/she didn't pay

Talon ni

We paid

Thalon ni ddim

We didn't pay

Taloch chi

You paid

Thaloch chi ddim

You didn't pay

Talon nhw

They paid

Thalon nhw ddim

They don't pay/ are not paying


Positive Answer

Negative Answer

Dalais i?

Did I pay?


Yes I did


No I didn't

Dalaist ti?

Did you pay?

Dalodd e/hi?

Did he/ she pay?

Dalon ni?

Did we pay?

Daloch chi?

Did you pay?

Dalon nhw?

Did they pay?

Mae pedair berf afreolaidd gyffredin/ There are four common irregular verbs





Es i

I went

Des i

I came

Ges i

I had

Gwnes i

I did

Est ti Dest ti Gest ti Gwnest ti
Aeth e/ hi Daeth e/hi Gaeth e/hi neu cafodd e/hi Gwnaeth e/hi
Aethon ni Daethon ni Gaethon ni neu cawson ni Gwnaethon ni
Aethoch chi Daethoch chi Gaethoch chi neu cawsoch chi Gwnaethoch chi
Aethon nhw Daethon nhw Gaethon nhw neu cawson nhw Gwnaethon nhw
(present - perfect - imperfective - future - conditional - past)